Guilderland fundraiser benefits fire victims

Guilderland fundraiser benefits fire victims

People came together at Apex Entertainment in Crossgates Mall Saturday to rally around the Stafford family of Guilderland. The family recently lost their home, and nearly everything else in a house fire. That includes a family dog.

People came together at Apex Entertainment in Crossgates Mall Saturday to rally around the Stafford family of Guilderland. The family recently lost their home, and nearly everything else in a house fire. That includes a family dog.

David Stafford is a Vietnam War veteran. He was able to retrieve some of his military memorabilia after the fire, but most other family keepsakes dating back generations are gone.

On Thursday, the Staffords were treated to a Thanksgiving feast thanks to retired Albany County Legislator Mary Lou Connelly. David said his family is grateful for all of the help they’ve received.

The Staffords plan to rebuild on the same spot where their house burned down, they said.