Herbicide being applied in Lake George Saturday morning

NewsChannel 13 has received information that leads us to believe that the herbicide treatment has been administered in Lake George as early as Saturday morning.

Here is a photo we received dating the treatment that was allegedly performed:

The Lake George Park Commission had received approval from the Department of Environmental Conservation to apply ProcellaCOR to treat the invasive species water milfoil.

However, the Lake George Association sued to stop the treatment. They said the chemical, which has been used in other lakes without issue, could cause irreparable harm if introduced in Lake George. The LGA had offered to pay for continued harvesting of the lake.

Warren County Supreme Court Judge Robert Muller ruled in favor of the park commission.

Lake George Park Commission Executive Director Dave Wick said he is pleased with the decision.

“You heard the Attorney General’s Office today say there are absolutely no drinking water restrictions, no public health impacts whatsoever from this, and as we continue to watch other lakes across the Northeast and the country do tremendous successful applications of absolutely no public health impact, we’re standing on their shoulders.”

Residents were disappointed in the outcome.

“My reaction is that the irreparable harm is going to be the economy of the towns around this lake who are dependent on the tourists. This decision is going to taint Lake George’s reputation as one of the cleanest lakes in this country,” said Colleen Knight.

The herbicide will be applied this weekend because the DEC permit is set to expire on Sunday.