Man stops truck from hitting infamous Glenville bridge

Driver warns driver about imminent strike on Glenville bridge

Driver warns driver about imminent strike on Glenville bridge

A man living in Glenville for more than 30 years chased down a truck driver Halloween night, saving him from hitting the infamous Glenridge Road bridge in Glenville.

The video is more than a minute long, showing Paolo Citone chasing down a trucker. Citone swerves, honks, and flashes his brights.

He shouts at the driver, “Don’t do it! Don’t do it!”

Citone told NewsChannel 13’s Rachel Tiede by Zoom Sunday he was glad he could save the trucker from hitting the bridge known as “the rust.”

“We all have livelihoods, and we all want the best for people,” Citone said. “My parents always told me to treat others the way you want to be treated.”

Citone’s act of kindness comes as Governor Kathy Hochul announces a campaign to add extra patrols to help prevent bridge strikes. Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara also announced legislation requiring the State Department of Transportation commissioner to report information about bridge strike locations, repairs, and recommendations to prevent bridge strikes.

He specifically mentioned the Glenville bridge.

Glenville Police Chief Stephen Janik told Tiede Tuesday there were 22 hits in 2021, 12 hits in 2022, and 11 hits so far in 2023 at the Glenridge Road bridge.

He also mentioned there have been more hits than ever at the Maple Avenue bridge in Glenville. Janik said he couldn’t say for sure, but he wonders if more people are trying to avoid the Glenridge Road bridge, and hitting the Maple Avenue one instead.

The Glenridge Road bridge is in a unique position. According to the Glenville Town Supervisor Chris Koetzle, the state owns Glenridge Road. The railroad owns the bridge. And the whole setup just happens to be in Glenville, which doesn’t have jurisdiction over any of it. Koetzle and Janik said the railroad cited cost as a barrier to raising the bridge. Koetzle said you can’t lower the road, because it’s right at the water table, meaning lower the road would create flooding issues.

The town has installed flashing warning signs and a paved turnaround area for trucks. Those were officially installed Labor Day, Koetzle said. He added since then, the bridge strikes have decreased.