Maple Ave. bridge hit for a second time in less than a week

The Maple Ave. bridge in Glenville was hit Sunday, Sept. 17.
A yellow box truck struck the Maple Ave. bridge in Glenville Sunday afternoon, according to Glenville Town Supervisor Chris Koetzle. This is the second truck to hit the Maple Ave. bridge in less than a week.
Kawon Jones, 31, Georgia, hit the same bridge last Thursday morning, ripping the entire roof of the truck off. Glenville Police said Jones was following his GPS to Vermont when he hit the bridge. Jones was issued 9 tickets for various traffic violations.
The infamous Glenville Bridge was also hit last Wednesday afternoon.
Daiquane Sivels, 30, Schenectady was charged with operating a vehicle with a suspended license, along with failure to obey a traffic control device. Sivels told Glenville Police he did not see the flashing lights installed to prevent trucks from hitting the bridge. He also told police he did not know the height of the truck.
WNYT is working to learn more about Sunday’s bridge strike.