Mom of teen injured in dirt bike crash wants more transparency from police

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The mother of the teenager from Troy injured on his dirt bike in a crash last week is demanding answers from police.

Sunday, March 19th, Dre’on Lewis was injured in a crash in Troy near 4th And Madison. Police say his bike collided with an SUV, leaving Dre’on in grave condition.

His mother Tiffany Degraffenreid says she hasn’t been able to get any clear answers from police surrounding the incident. “It’s adding on to the stress tremendously for one because I still don’t know what took place,” she said.

Witnesses told the mom, the driver initially left the scene. Left with no answers, Degraffenreid said the lack of transparency from police makes her feel like it’s race related. “They keep saying the state police needs to do their investigation, the state police I guess concluded their investigation, but I still don’t have a police report,” she said.

On top of the injuries, the family still has to deal with the financial side of it. “The insurance covers a portion of the situation so considering that police is not forthcoming with any of that we’re kind of at a stand still

Police tell us the crash is still under investigation and the driver of the SUV is cooperating.

The family has created a gofundme to help with medical costs.