Mysterious ending to young Rotterdam woman’s life
ROTTERDAM – For most people, it’s incomprehensible how a woman can die inside her home and how her family can keep the death a secret for several months as the woman’s body decomposes. However, the young woman’s cousin has a hunch.
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“There’s probably fear of the repercussions of what may or may not have taken place,” says Justin Grygas.
What ever did or didn’t happen inside 1726 Greenpoint Avenue, Grygas sid he has confidence police will figure it out.
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According to a medical examiner, Justin’s 24-year-old cousin, Skylar Pettit, died of natural causes several months ago, although family members only got around to reporting the death last week.
“To be honest with you, yes, I think (criminality occurred),” Grygas said. “It’s hard to admit that. It’s hard to say that, especially to the camera.
However, instead of pointing fingers or casting aspersions, Justin would rather talk about the young woman he’s loved since the day she was born, and to proudly point out the many challenges his cousin endured during her short lifetime, including Down Syndrome and diabetes.
“She has a name. She is a person, and she’s one of my family and I don’t want that to be forgotten,” Grygas said. “She was a human being with all the rest of us here.”
Despite Skylar’s many challenges, Justin said his cousin “always had a smile on her face, was always happy, and was full of life.”
For now, police are remaining tight-lipped about their ongoing investigation, promising to eventually get to the truth.