National Grid donates $500,000 to Catholic Charities

National Grid donates $500,000 to Catholic Charities

National Grid donates $500,000 to Catholic Charities

National Grid donated $500,000 to Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Albany.

That is the largest donation made by the National Grid Foundation.

The money will help fund the group’s emergency heating fund.

Catholic Charities CEO Sr. Betsy Van Dusen said the donation will be a big help.

“What it means is that there are going to be literally thousands of people in the diocese who are going to be able to get help with their heating assistance, keeping their lights in the diocese who are going to be able to get help with their heating assistance, keeping their lights on, making their families warm and making a difference, a significant difference to them.”

“The cost of living is up and energy prices are tough for, for some folks who are struggling, we want to be there to help,” said Brian Sano, a regional executive for National Grid.