Neighbors fondly remember mother of Albany Med suspect
Neighbors in the trailer park where Albany Medical Center lockdown suspect Dino Savoca lived said they really cared for Savoca’s mother, who lived with him. They called her Rose.
NewsChannel 13 has learned Rose died Tuesday – one day after the standoff.
However, Colonie Police have been called to the home several times in the past, they told NewsChannel 13.
The two lived together in the trailer park for roughly 30 years, and Savoca has never lived away from his mom.
Anytime NewsChannel 13 asked neighbors about Rose, it put a smile on their faces. They say she was a lovely person to talk to.
A Colonie Police lieutenant says they’ve had multiple dealings with Savoca over the years, but most of them were years ago. Most of the interactions were regarding minor family-type issues.
Colonie Police have never arrested Savoca for any crime, said the lieutenant, to his recollection.
One of the neighbors – only identified as Beverly – said Rose was all that Dino Savoca had. He was very attached to his mom.
Hear what Beverly said happened to Savoca’s behavior after his mom was admitted to the hospital by watching the video of Tessa Bentulan’s story.