Nurse midwifes in Albany charged in COVID vaccine card scheme

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Two certified nurse midwives who work in Albany are facing federal charges, accused of destroying COVID vaccines and giving out fake vaccination cards.

Kelly McDermott of Albany owns Sage Femme Midwifery, a midwife clinic in Albany, said the U.S. Attorney’s Office. Kathleen Breault worked at Sage Femme, investigators said.

The two allegedly enrolled the midwifery as an authorized COVID-19 vaccine site and provided fake vaccine cards to people who were not vaccinated.

This allegedly included minors and non-United States citizens who were not present in the country when it says they were vaccinated.

The duo is also accused of destroying vials of COVID vaccines.

A third licensed nurse, Sherilyn Pellitteri, originally from Kentucky, also worked at Sage Femme and is charged in connection with their scheme.

They are facing federal charges with two others out of state who are accused of collectively falsifying a total of 2,600 vaccine cards and stealing more than $1.7 million in federal relief loans.