Crews removing tractor-trailer that struck Glenville bridge, causing explosion

Crews removing pieces of tractor-trailer

Crews removing pieces of tractor-trailer

Crews on Friday have removed sections of the tractor-trailer that struck the Maple Avenue bridge Thursday night, causing a large explosion.

The crash happened just after 6:30 p.m. The explosion sent flames as high as 200 feet into the air.

Fire crews left the scene at around 1:30 p.m.. and tow trucks immediately came afterward to start the process to free the vehicle. Just after 6 p.m. Friday., crews got the back half off the tractor-trailer off the ground and onto a tow truck. The front half was removed at around 3:15 p.m.

Alplaus Fire Chief Glenn Kreig, the incident commander, said officials have been monitoring the air and there are no major issues.

Many fire companies and agencies responded to the scene of Thursday’s explosion, according to Kreig.

“It’s been an unbelievable response. We were all working together. I’ve never dealt with an incident like this,” he said. “We’re lucky to have the resources that we have in the Capital Region.”

National Grid, Spectrum and Verizon have also been working to cut lines.

The Maple Avenue bridge has been hit in the past – although not as many times as the Glenridge Bridge.  He said efforts to reduce strikes have been effective on Glenridge Road and now maybe they need to look at this road too.

“We would like a different truck route, but that’s not always the easiest because the drivers don’t always listen to the route.”

The driver, Sylvester Basil Jr., 60, of Texas, has third burns to his hands and face. He was transported to Westchester Medical Center Burn Unit.

Cleanup continues after explosion

Cleanup continues after explosion in Glenville. Parts of the tractor-trailer have been removed.