Psychic helps police, family of kidnapped girl

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SARATOGA COUNTY – Ever since Christine Seebold-Walrath was 2 years old, she’s been able to see the future, she said.

“I would say things that I shouldn’t know,” Seebold-Walrath stated. “I would be sitting at the window, and I’d say there was going to be a car accident, and I’d pick out two vehicles, and five minutes later they’d hit each other.”

In other words, Seebold-Walrath claims to have abilities that go beyond ordinary senses. She is what many people would consider to be clairvoyant.

“When you’re a medium, we talk to people on the other side,” she said. “So we’re psychic, and we can talk to people that have crossed over. So when I talk to people on the other side, they come through, and they tell me things that only the police would know.”

It’s not unusual for State Police to consult with psychics or soothsayers or anyone else who provide tips or useful information during the course of an investigation, said investigators.

State Police also confirm Seebold-Walrath was in touch with them and the family of a young girl recently kidnapped from Saratoga County earlier this month.

“I can’t say a lot because there’s a lot of agencies involved in it and if I say something about it, it might cause some information to get out or something of that nature,” she said.

In other words, Seebold-Walrath doesn’t want to hinder the ongoing investigation. It has been widely reported that other crimes may be connected to the kidnapping case.

She also pointed out very often information obtained by police from mediums like her lead to the discovery of missing people, dead bodies, and sometimes killers.

“My job is to help,” she said. “It’s a gift that I’ve had since I was little, and I use it to help people. I use it for good things.”