Ravena woman successfully overcomes fears to pursue dreams

Nicole Dorr of Ravena received an award for her work ethic. A supervisor had some very kind things to say about her.

It may not seem like a big deal, but you have no idea how far she’s come.

Dorr has anxiety and a learning disorder, which stopped her from pursuing dreams, and made her down on herself.

A couple of years ago, Dorr had a talk with herself. She realized she couldn’t let her disabilities get to her.

She had failed the first time she went to job coaching and training at Warren-Washington-Albany ARC, which supports training and employment for people with disabilities, but she went back.

She nailed an interview for a cleaning job, got hired and is now working for the state.

These great things might not have happened if she had not fought her fears. She spoke about it in a recent speech.

Learn about what she said in that speech by watching the video of Elaine Houston’s story.