Report: Saratoga tourism brings in $647 million a year
A new business report released on Monday quantifies just how much the track, SPAC, Saratoga Casino, and Saratoga National Historical Park mean to the area economy.
The report was commissioned by the Saratoga County IDA and rolled out during a panel discussion on Monday morning at SPAC, which was moderated by NewsChannel 13’s Mark Mulholland.
It looks at the annual impact and it all adds up to $647 million a year.
The track is responsible for just over half of that, with more than a million visitors, nearly 3,000 jobs, $371 million in annual economic impact.
SPAC brings in 475,000 visitors a year, creating more than 1,300 jobs and $78 million in economic impact.
Saratoga Casino Hotel has been a winner for the year-round economy, with 1.5 million visitors, creating nearly 1,400 and indirect jobs and $185 million in sales.
A new business report released on Monday quantifies just how much the track, SPAC, Saratoga Casino, and Saratoga National Historical Park mean to the area economy.
The report also spells out the impact of Saratoga National Historical Park, with 70,000 visitors, accounting for 83 jobs and $13 million in annual economic impact. That’s all before the upcoming 250th anniversary in 2027.
Hear how leaders of many of these Saratoga institutions are reacting to the news by watching the video of Mark Mulholland’s story.