Republican leaders: Proposition would ‘all but destroy girls’ sports’

Republican leaders: Proposition would ‘all but destroy girls’ sports’

Republican leaders in Schenectady County held an event Monday to discuss Proposition 1.

Republican leaders in Schenectady County held an event Monday to discuss Proposition 1. That’s also known as the Equal Rights Amendment, which you’ll remember had a rocky road to the November ballot. However, it will now be there.

The proposed amendment to the state constitution could give constitutional rights to biological males that would quote “all but destroy girls’ sports,” opponents of the measure said.

If passed, it will lay the groundwork for biological males to have the right to compete on girls and women’s sports teams.

Republican speakers are fighting for the equality of women, they said.

“Let that sink in for just a minute. There’s potential for biological males to take these rights away from your daughters, your granddaughters your nieces, your neighbors’ daughters, and all women and girls across this state and the U.S. This trajectory needs to be stopped right now,” said Schenectady County Republican Chairwoman Darlene Harris. “So I would encourage people to feel good about supporting women on Women’s Equality Day; while at the same time, recognizing that this ballot proposition is not what’s being sold.”

Similar events happened Monday in Manhattan, Binghamton, Rochester and Buffalo.

Schenectady County Democratic Chair Frank Salamone sent out this statement in response:

“The ERA would add ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, pregnancy, pregnancy outcomes, and reproductive healthcare and autonomy to the classes of individuals protected by anti-discrimination laws. It is par for the course of this Republican Party to fight to subjugate people while Democrats just spent a week in Chicago advocating for treating all people with dignity and respect. 

It cannot possibly be clearer that there is but one choice for all Americans in November: Kamala Harris. As Adam Kinzinger said at the Democratic National Convention on Thursday night, Donald Trump has stolen the soul of the Republican Party. They are now saying the quiet part out loud.

What more can you expect from a Party who selected a Vice Presidential nominee who believes adults without children should have less votes than those with kids. They’ve already gutted Roe v. Wade and the Voting Rights Act. Is the 15th Amendment next?”