Coll elected Saratoga Springs public safety commissioner; Incumbent Montagnino loses

A flier criticizing one of the candidates for support of Black Lives Matter may have cost Public Safety Commissioner Jim Montagnino his bid for reelection.

Republican Timothy Coll received 4,072 votes to win, while Kristen Dart of the Community First Party received 2,396 votes. Montagnino came in third with 1,806 votes.

In a speech before supporters at the Parting Glass, Dart conceded and wished Coll well.

On Monday, Saratoga County Democrats withdrew their support of Montagnino after a campaign mailer in which he said a vote for Dart would be a vote for Black Lives Matter, which had an image of activist Lexis Figuereo yelling. Montagnino has called the organization a hate group and criticized members for disrupting council meetings.

Montagnino also feuded with Mayor Ron Kim and endorsed his challenger, Republican John Safford, for election.

MORE: Saratoga County Board of Elections