Russell Sage College rolls out welcome mat for Saint Rose students

Russell Sage College throws down welcome mat for Saint Rose students

Russell Sage College in Albany and Troy says they’ll welcome students from The College of Saint Rose, and help make the transition as smooth as possible.

While many College of Saint Rose students are likely still feeling the shock of their school shutting down, Russell Sage College in Albany and Troy is ready to welcome them with open arms. The goal is to make student transfer as seamless as possible.

The college is already fielding phone calls, signaling the mad rush of desperate transfer is already underway.

Saint Rose students are learning there’s still time to start the spring semester on Jan. 16 – at Russell Sage.

“Our job really, right now, as Russell Sage College Admissions, is to work through transfer of policies to help students navigate where they’re going to be next, to reinforce what teach-out plans are and to really provide a soft landing,” explained Vice President of Enrollment Management Katie Cooney Lesko.

Both undergraduate and graduate students will be able to complete nursing, education, criminal justice or other similar majors. The college is also pointing out its small class sizes, which is like Saint Rose.

The college can accommodate both residents and commuters, officials noted.

“We’re working with our financial aid office to provide a match for financial aid for the students, as well,” Lesko said.

As part of a typical teach-out plan, the closing college creates a page on its website listing schools that are teach-out agreement partners. Those partner institutions often hold a transfer fair to welcome possible incoming students.

MORE: Russell Sage website for Saint Rose students