Russell Sage to take over Saint Rose speech therapy program

Russell Sage to take over Saint Rose speech therapy program

Weeks after the College of Saint Rose closed its doors for the last time, its programs continue to find new life here in the Capital Region.

Weeks after the College of Saint Rose closed its doors for the last time, its programs continue to find new life here in the Capital Region.

Russell Sage College announced Tuesday it will be picking up the speech therapy programs and clinic, which were formerly housed at Saint Rose.

Russell Sage had a lot of the elements of a health care and education program, and this was the missing piece, according to college Provost Theresa Hand.

“Saint Rose was obviously closing, and we actually had community partners call us up and say, ‘Please take this on because there’s such a strong workforce needed and there isn’t a program in the Capital Region,’” Hand said.

As NewsChannel 13 reported last month, Siena acquired Saint Rose’s education degree programs.