Schenectady man faces 12 to 15 years in prison for having sex with child

A Schenectady man is facing 12 to 15 years in prison after admitting to having sex with a child younger than 13 years old.

Juan Garcia-Pleitez, 41, admitted in Schenectady County Court Wednesday that he engaged in anal sexual conduct with the child at a residence on Summit Avenue last summer. Garcia-Pleitez knew the victim.

The investigation began on Aug. 3 after the victim told her mother the assault took place in the attic. After the incident, the mother removed her children from the apartment and contacted police.

Garcia-Pleitez is scheduled to be sentenced on March 11. He’s also required to register as a sex offender for life. An order of protection was also issued for the victim and her siblings.

Schenectady detectives were helped in the investigation by the Schenectady County Child Advocacy Center, which interviewed the victim. Physical evidence collected from the victim corroborated the account of the crime.

Schenectady County District Attorney Robert Carney said this case demonstrates the value of the Child Advocacy Center, which also offers counseling at no charge for crime victims and their families.