Troy fire rescue throws 60th birthday party for local cancer survivor

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The Troy Fire Department threw a sixtieth birthday bash for cancer survivor George Boone.

Boone says he started hanging out at the firehouse in the 80’s when he was diagnosed with cancer. He says the crew would take him back and forth to his doctor’s appointments and make sure he got there on time. Ever since he’s remained a friend and helper to the department.

To honor him for all he’s done throughout the years, the fire rescue squad gifted Boone with an Honorary Captain’s helmet from Taylor’s Tins, custom-made with his name on it.

Firefighter Garrett Reardon says Boone is one of the guys. Reardon says Boone eats dinner with them, goes out on fires, and helps with anything they need around the firehouse. “George is a Troy staple. You see George all over the place. He does a lot for the fire department, and we do a lot for the community, so we thought it’d be nice to recognize him,” said Reardon.

President of Troy’s Retired Firefighters Association, Philip Quandt, says him and Boone go way back, so he couldn’t pass up an opportunity to honor his old comrade. “Most of us retired guys worked with him down in headquarters, and he used to come in and help us out, he said. It means a lot to him and it means something to us because we’ve seen him through a lot. We’ve seen him through a lot of bad and a lot of good.”

By the end of the celebration Troy Firefighters declared July 16th George Boone Day.

It was a day full of surprises for a man they consider family.