What New Yorkers want Hochul to address most

As Gov. Hochul prepares to enter her first four-year term as New York’s governor, residents from around the state tell NewsChannel 13 what they want her to accomplish in 2023.

“More opportunities for women in the workplace and within the government. Getting women’s views out there as something that’s a normal thing,” Alex Heller said.

“Inflation is a key. The prices are going up. We are understanding after the COVID, everything went up. Gas prices went up, but now with the gas prices coming down. We have not seen other things come down. If something can be looked into that aspect, that should really help from a common man and the people,” Gaurav Mittel said, a New York City resident.

“I feel hopeful. I want to see thriving communities. I want to see folks doing well and feel like all of us are taken care of. The people that need it most. I see in Albany a lot of folks that need help. I’m hopeful that we’ll find the resources to take care of everybody,” Kerry Mulligan said, an Albany County resident.

“I think New York state faces a whole bunch of challenges. What we didn’t have in our last governor was leadership to confront the hard problems. For us, we live in New York City, we want to make sure there are really great relations between Albany and New York City. Hopefully, she’s going to be good at that and good at working with Mayor Eric Adams,” Kaizar Campwala said. “She’s [Hochul] the head of the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party in New York needs to learn how to work together.”