Man rescues lost dog in raging North Country thunderstorm

Man rescues lost dog in raging North Country thunderstorm

A husky is home safe, after going missing near Catamount Mountain in the North Country.

A husky is home safe after going missing near Catamount Mountain. The person who found him specializes in using thermal drones to help people find missing pets.

Chad Tavernia found Echo in about an hour, he said.

Echo’s running leash got loose during a walk with her owner.

Tavernia started flying his drone and found a lone heat signature high up the mountain on a narrow ledge.

He started climbing, with a storm quickly rolling in.

“When I went out there at darkness, I could see where the dog literally wouldn’t have been able to get off of there because she couldn’t have seen how to, basically,” said Tavernia.

Tavernia let Echo kiss his face and smell him, and she realized he was there to help. He pulled her off the ledge and got back to the trailhead 30 minutes later to a grateful and relieved owner.