Doctor: Winter exercise crucial to stay fit

Doctor: Winter exercise crucial to stay fit

You may lack the motivation to hit the gym during winter, but it's crucial to resist the urge to hunker down and hibernate amid this colder weather.

You may lack the motivation to hit the gym during winter, but it’s crucial to resist the urge to hunker down and hibernate amid this colder weather.

“It’s very important to maintain your activity during the winter months because you don’t want to lose the benefits of exercise. There are cardiac and respiratory benefits from working out. Exercise can also improve your mood, and there’s some evidence it can also boost your immune system. You want to stay active even though sometimes you may not feel like it,” explained Dr. Marie Schaefer, a sports medicine physician for Cleveland Clinic.

While going to the gym is a good option for exercising in the winter, you can create a workout routine inside your own home, Dr. Schaefer said.

Lunges, planks and pushups are just some of the exercises you can do without needing fancy equipment.

Dr. Schaefer said your workouts don’t have to be overly complicated, and simply going for a walk at the mall can help you get your steps in.

While it may be colder, you can still get outside on milder days to exercise.

Dr. Schaefer added there are also plenty of things you can do now that you typically can’t do in the warmer months.

“There are winter activities that you can’t do in the summer,” Dr. Schaefer said. “You can enjoy things like skiing, snowshoeing and ice skating outdoors. There are many activities to do outside as long as you take appropriate safety precautions.”

Along with the physical benefits of exercising outside, soaking up the sunshine on nicer days can also help with seasonal affective disorder, Dr. Schaefer said.