Earth-friendly choices can also benefit health

Earth friendly choices can have big impact

Not only can making Earth-conscious choices benefit the environment, it can also benefit your health. Officials from the Cleveland Clinic said that including more fruits and vegetables into your diet from local farmers is a great first step. Buying local means your food doesn’t have to be transported across the country. And walking and biking can decrease your risk for diseases, and it doesn’t add any pollution to the air.

Not only can making Earth-conscious choices benefit the environment, it can also benefit your health.

Including more fruits and vegetables into your diet from local farmers is a great first step, according to the Cleveland Clinic.

Buying local means your food doesn’t have to be transported across the country.

Walking and biking can decrease your risk for diseases, and it doesn’t add any pollution to the air.

It is also important to conserve energy at home. Turn off the lights and use the clothes dryer on a shorter cycle.