Good eyesight crucial for student learning

Good eyesight crucial for student learning

August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month and with school starting up again, it is the perfect time to get kids' eyes tested. A child may need glasses if they tend to squint, tilt their head or move closer to see something.

August is Children’s Eye Health and Safety Month. With school starting up again, it is the perfect time to get kids’ eyes tested.

A child may need glasses if they tend to squint, tilt their head or move closer to see something.

Vision changes happen slowly so your child may not even realize there’s a problem.

Eye doctors said it is especially important to have good eyesight because as children get older, the font of the text they’re reading gets smaller and they need to see the fine details.

More screen time at school also seems to be a factor. Doctors have seen an increase in cases of nearsightedness, they said.