How to avoid comfort food trap

Packing on the pounds can be problematic as the season shifts toward cooler temperatures.

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In today’s health report, Faith King gives us tips on how not to fall into that problem.

But we all love comfort foods right? I know I do. If you find yourself falling into that comfort food trap Cleveland Clinic Registered Dietitian Beth Czerwony says the key to tipping the scale in your favor starts with cooking at home. Here’s some ideas.

Pumpkin is low in calories, low-fat and starchier so there’s no need for heavy creams to thicken it. Substituting spaghetti squash for pasta and adding herbs or seasonings is a flavorful way to spice up your meal while providing a healthier alternative.

Seasonal vegetables are plentiful this time of year and can be more nutritious than off-season produce. You can try roasting them instead of sautéing or frying, which reduces additional fat and brings out their natural sweetness.

Vegetables being lower calorie and having more fiber, more fluid. They are going to end up keeping you fuller longer so this is a good way to bulk up the diet with more food and thinking that you are going to stay fuller longer without giving a lot of extra calories.

Using leaner cuts of meat, choosing smaller portion sizes and tracking food intake can help you avoid unwanted weight. Most importantly, when it comes to comfort foods – be selective and choose seasonal favorites that are special to you and just indulge on those.