How to avoid Lyme Disease while enjoying the outdoors

Warmer weather means people are ready to get outside, but it’s also time for ticks.

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Ticks burrow into the skin and can transmit bacteria, which may lead to Lyme Disease. 
Ticks like to hide in high grass, so keep the lawn mowed and hedges trimmed. 
When going into the woods, cover up exposed skin with clothing.
Insect repellant containing deet can also be used to help protect exposed skin. 
If you find a tick, carefully remove it with tweezers.
And if bitten, watch for a small red spot that may develop into a distinctive bullseye rash.

Symptoms of Lyme Disease can include headaches, breathing issues, or arthritis. 
More serious complications can occur as well, like inflammation of the heart muscle, spinal cord swelling, or facial paralysis.
If caught early, Lyme Disease can generally be treated with antibiotics.