Psychologist offers tips to avoid getting overwhelmed by election news

Tips to prevent getting overwhelmed with election news

Take a step back and practice self-care to avoid getting overwhelmed with election coverage.

If you feel overwhelmed by the nonstop election coverage, there are ways to calm down.

People tend to stress themselves out by imagining the worst-case scenario, according to health experts.

Dr. Susan Albers, a psychologist for the Cleveland Clinic, said that it is important to stop those kinds of thoughts and bring yourself back to the present moment. If you have family, friends or co-workers who regularly discuss politics, it’s OK if you choose not to participate in those conversations.

“As humans, we have a natural tendency to want to feel in control, and elections can undermine that feeling of control as a result. We need to focus on what we can control versus what we can’t – whether that is your daily routine, exercise, self-care,” said Albers.  

If your stress starts to interfere with your daily life, you should consider speaking with a mental health professional.