Queensbury doctor honored for pandemic leadership
Much of medicine and healthcare changed during the pandemic. Dr. Bill Borgos of Queensbury helped bring in a lot of those changes.
Now Borgos – the chief medical officer of Hudson Headwaters Health Network – has a received a prestigious statewide award from the Community Health Care Association of New York State.
The Dr. Jack Geiger Award recognizes Borgos’ commitment to making the community better, and treating patients – whether or not they have the means to pay.
Borgos helped pioneer the network’s telehealth visits at the start of the pandemic and as county medical director, guided Warren County’s response.
Borgos is a native of Queensbury, a graduate of Notre Dame and Johns Hopkins Med School. After practicing in North Carolina and Boston, he was eager to come back home to be closer to family.
He started as a family physician with Hudson Headwaters in 2003. The married father of two said he has no plans to give that up.
Hear him explain why the entire organization deserves credit for their response during the pandemic by watching the video of Mark Mulholland’s story.