Second case of avian flu in humans reported in Texas

Second reported case of bird flu among humans

Second reported case of bird flu among humans

There is a concern that avian flu is on the rise after a human case was reported in Texas.

A dairy worker contracted the disease. Health officials said the bird flu virus, known as H5N1, has not become any more contagious among humans or cows.

Samples taken from this patient show the virus hasn’t changed in a way that would allow it to spread more easily, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Plus, the available vaccines are still effective in preventing you from catching it.

Symptoms include fever, cough, sore throat, runny nose, body aches and difficulty breathing, according to the CDC.

This current strain of bird flu has been circulating since late 2021, killing a countless number of wild birds.

The case in Texas is the second reported case in a person in the United States.

The first was in 2022 in a Colorado prison inmate working on a poultry farm.

The director-general of the World Health Organization said both cases were mild, but although the disease is not easily spread, it’s still highly dangerous to humans.

There have been reported bird flu deaths in humans outside of the United States.