Study: Hot yoga could help fight seasonal depression

Hot yoga could help fight seasonal depression

A yoga studio in Slingerlands may be able to help Capital Region people who may deal with depression.

A Slingerlands yoga studio may be able to help Capital Region people who may deal with depression. That’s because new research has found hot yoga can actually be really good for your mental well-being.

Hot yoga can help treat symptoms of depression, according to researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital.

In the study, adults with moderate to severe depression performed 90 minutes of yoga in a 105-degree room at least twice a week for eight weeks. The study found nearly 60% of participants had a 50% or greater reduction in symptoms.

Jai Yoga School in Slingerlands offers different types of classes, which include warm and hot yoga. Jai is the only studio in the Capital Region with infrared heat.

Owner Meg Horan has been practicing yoga for about 20 years. She said the new study doesn’t surprise her.

“There’s a lot of magic to it beyond just doing the physical poses,” Horan said. “Any type of endorphin releasing, physical practice, working out in any way, they focus on the breath, and reassociating with your body, rather than just going through the motions, disassociating with your body, so becoming more mindful and becoming more present and taking the experience as it is, I think it gives people the opportunity to create space and clarity in their life, which helps navigate this crazy world we live in.” 

Click here to learn more about Jai Yoga School, or call 518-496-8382.