Study: NICU webcams reduce stress for new parents

Having a baby in the NICU can be an emotional rollercoaster for new parents. However, research done at Cleveland Clinic Children’s shows placing a live webcam in the NICU may allow for remote bonding and help ease worry.
A NICU stay can range from days to months, making it hard for parents to visit their newborn every day, which can be stressful.
“The NICU is a very challenging environment,” said Dr. Anirudha Das, with Cleveland Clinic Children’s. “Many parents have mental distress – as we call it – and it’s challenging for them to come in all the time. So the hypothesis was that they may be using the webcam.”
Parents who were suffering from depression and anxiety didn’t come to visit the NICU as often, but still logged into the webcam.
Findings suggest having a virtual connection to their baby helped parents – especially those experiencing stress.