Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. offering help for home-based businesses
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Downtown Pittsfield Inc. introduces new membership tier aimed at home-based for-profit businesses without a formal brick-and-mortal space.
New locally-owned businesses are popping up across Berkshire County, and the business community in Pittsfield is making it easier for up and coming entrepreneurs.
Downtown Pittsfield, Inc. has introduced a new membership type: the Entrepreneur Membership.
DPI is a membership organization made up of property owners, businesses, residents, cultural and entertainment venues, restaurants and nonprofit organizations who have joined forces to promote downtown as a great place to live, work, and play.
The new membership type is aimed at home-based, for-profit businesses without a formal brick and mortar location.
It includes benefits like co-working space rentals, promotion on social media, and access to downtown business development opportunities.