Resources available for overdose prevention

Saratoga County’s Opioid Overdose Prevention Program wants local businesses and organizations to equip themselves with the knowledge and tools that could help save lives.
Tight now the county experiences two non-fatal overdoses a day, and one deadly overdose per week.
The county is recommending establishments have Narcan available to staff members and train them how to administer it.
Colleen Jason, Senior Health Educator at the County Department of Health, wants business owners to know what resources are available.
Public facing businesses and organizations are more likely to encounter someone that’s experiencing an overdose 
Having Narcan on hand at all times is important – because the nasal spray can quickly reverse an overdose from opioids.
Substance use, including opioid use is unfortunately an issue that occurs throughout our nation and in our communities here in Saratoga County. It doesn’t discriminate against any demographic and is one of the leading causes of preventable death in the United States.