Saratoga Springs business offers special care for violins

Sixth Generation Strings offers care for special care for violins

A family-owned business with a rich history is a popular spot for musicians in Saratoga Springs. Sixth Generation Strings dates back to the mid-1800s in Europe.

A family-owned business with a rich history is a popular spot for musicians in Saratoga Springs.

Sixth Generation Strings dates back to the mid-1800s in Europe.

The age-old tradition of violin making is being carried on today by Thomas Dunn, who owns the shop on Broadway.

“Sixth Generation Strings is a sixth-generation family business. We started with violin making. We’re now trying to make this a hub for music. We offer all sorts of string instruments from a lower price point to a higher price point, but always focusing on quality,” he said.

Dunn is proud of the company’s history, and it eventually relocated upstate, with Sixth Generation Strings opening in Saratoga Springs in 2022.

Being in the Spa City, the shop offers a special “Spa Package” for instruments.

“That’s basically taking care of all of your instrument from setting up the action to the strings themselves to oiling the fingerboard – everything that’s needed to make everything play right,” he said.        
In addition to selling the instruments made in-house, the business offers accessories along with repair and rental services.

MORE: Sixth Generation Strings