Woman intends to sue after being shot by Saratoga Springs Police

A notice of claim has been filed related to the police-involved shooting in Saratoga Springs.

The surveillance video and police body camera video show police opening fire after two men exchange gunfire on Broadway at 3 a.m. on Nov. 20. One of the police bullets hit a woman. That woman, Cali Brown from Glens Falls, is putting the city of Saratoga Springs and its police department on notice that she intends to sue.

Brown filed a notice of claim, which is a precursor to a lawsuit, through well-known area attorney Steve Coffey.

It claims:

  • Police were negligent in the use and discharge of guns
  • Police weren’t properly trained and instructed
  • Police failed to recognize Cali Brown was an innocent bystander
  • Police failed to properly warn bystanders

Brown also put the city and the police department on notice that she suffered serious injuries, including a gunshot wound to her left arm, muscle swelling, tingling, an infected wound, and psychological damages.

Saratoga Springs Public Safety Commissioner Jim Montagnino said in response to the notice of claim, “Any reasonable person can watch the body camera footage and see for themselves exactly what happened and then draw their own conclusions.”

Filing of the notice of claim was first reported by The Daily Gazette.