Refugees in Italy trained to become dessert chefs

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Refugees presented their national desserts for tasting following a month-long workshop to become dessert chefs.

The workshop involved 12 female refugees with personal stories of disadvantage and vulnerability and who were already cooks in their own countries.

They come from several countries, such as Afghanistan, Ukraine, Sudan, Turkey, from where they fled either war, persecution or poverty.

The project, named as “a dessert will change your life”, is promoted by United Nations Agency for Refugees (UNHCR) and by the Italian charity INTERSOS

It aims at empowering refugees and promoting their economic and social integration and autonomy.

Afnan Eamy, who left Bangladesh eight years ago with her children, said she attended the workshop because she really likes cooking.

The initiative won the approval of many of the people who tasted the international delicacies.

The next challenge will be to make a living out of it.

Kateryna Tishchenko came to Italy from Ukraine before the beginning of the war to find a therapy for her daughter, who is seriously ill.

The event was organised by the Association of Social Promotion, “Walking with Gustamundo” and led by restaurant owner Pasquale Compagnone.

He hopes that many restaurant owners will join the initiative.