Author publishes book to help kids dealing with mental health issues

Author publishes book to help kids dealing with mental health issues

Childhood anxiety disorders affect one in eight children. If your child suffers from anxiety, then you know how difficult it can be. It’s a problem made worse by the pandemic.

Childhood anxiety disorders affect one in eight children. If your child suffers from anxiety, then you know how difficult it can be. It’s a problem made worse by the pandemic.

There are several different types of anxiety disorders, and the triggers are different for everyone.

Award-winning author Mark Cheverton recently published a book using his personal experiences to help kids and families.

Cheverton is best known for his self-published Minecraft-inspired novels, which can be found in more than 30 countries.

He wrote the books after his son was cyberbullied while playing Minecraft.

For Cheverton’s son, going to school was his biggest trigger.

As hard as it was for Cheverton and his wife, it was even more difficult for his son who really didn’t understand what he was feeling, or why.

Talking about it isn’t easy. That’s why Cheverton is hoping this book will help normalize conversations about anxiety. He also added a twist to the book to help keep kids engaged.

Learn more about that twist, and Cheverton’s advice to parents by watching the video of Caitlin Irla’s story.