Doctor: Fever-reducing meds may not always be necessary for kids

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A new report finds one in three parents may be unnecessarily giving their children fever-reducing medication.

It’s important for parents to treat the child and not the number on the thermometer, pediatricians explained.

For example, if a child has a 102° temperature but seems comfortable otherwise, it’s not recommended to give them medication.

A fever is sometimes a good thing. It can help stimulate the immune system to fight off infections.
Ultimately, if you’re ever unsure of what to do, call your pediatrician.

You should also call if the fever lasts more than a few days, the child is less than three months old, or the fever is over 104°, Dr. Maureen Ahmann with Cleveland Clinic said.

While treating fevers at home, the key is to make sure your child stays hydrated.

If you notice they have chills, do not bundle them up in blankets. That could make their temperature rise even more.