Hours of screen time at home could harm kids’ attention span

Many kids these days spend hours on social media scrolling through videos, but it could be harming their attention span.

Dr. Michael Manos, a pediatric psychologist with Cleveland Clinic, says in the short-term, it could make it harder for them to concentrate in class or complete an assignment.

The best way for parents to help prevent that is to limit screen time.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, kids under 4 should have no more than one hour of screen time a day, while older kids should have no more than 2.  
“Limiting access certainly is the only way that I know of,” said Manos. “All the conversation and lecturing of a child is not going to do a thing, because the captivation of screens is far more powerful than anything a parent is going to say.”

If your child is throwing tantrums when you take away their phones or tablets, it’s worth consulting with a professional.