Warren County website allows residents to report traffic dangers
Residents of Warren County can now simply go to their computer to let police know about recurring traffic dangers in their neighborhood.
The sheriff’s office is using a new website to give people a way to tell them about persistent speeding or running of stop signs.
It came about after a Lake Luzerne man told the sheriff’s office that a newly re-surfaced road near his house had become a dangerous speedway.
If you’ve ever been concerned about persistent speeding or other unsafe driving in your area and didn’t want to call police, now you don’t have to.

The Warren County Sheriff’s Office has a new website called Safe Pace, where you enter the exact nature and location of the problem area – maybe drivers running stop signs or going dangerously fast in a neighborhood.
The undersheriff tells NewsChannel 13 that it came to fruition after Mark Sherwood of Luzerne went to him to tell him how people were driving way too fast on the newly redone Call Street where he lives.
Undersheriff Comeau said why not make it easier for people to let them know where patrols should be?
Until NewsChannel 13 reached out to Sherwood, he didn’t even know his complaint was the impetus for the new website.
Hear his reaction by watching the video of Mark Mulholland’s story.
MORE: Warren County Safe Pace