State Police cracking down on impaired, unsafe driving during Thanksgiving holiday

Police cracking down on drunk drivers

Police cracking down on drunk drivers ahead of the big Thanksgiving weekend.

State Police are cracking down on impaired and unsafe driving during the Thanksgiving holiday.

Extra patrols will be out from Saturday, Nov. 23 through Dec. 1.

There will be sobriety checkpoints and additional patrols.

During last year’s enforcement period, troopers arrested 178 drivers for DWI, issued 4,349 speeding tickets and 362 tickets for distracted driving.

The Thanksgiving impaired driving enforcement initiative is funded by the Governor’s Traffic Safety Committee (GTSC). The GTSC and the New York State STOP-DWI Foundation remind motorists that their “Have a Plan” mobile app, is available for Apple, Android and Windows smartphones.

Allen Beckner