Coping with mental health after two years of COVID

Most people have been impacted in one way or another by the pandemic. So how can you cope if you’re still having a hard time?

Dawn Potter, PsyD with Cleveland Clinic, says it depends on the person’s individual needs.

Are you getting enough sleep, eating healthy and exercising?

Also, look for activities that help relax you, like meditating.

"We need to check our mindset, too," she said. "Shifting our mindset involves trying to refocus on things we can control versus things we can’t control. When there’s a lot of uncertainty, people can be vulnerable to getting focused on the worst case scenario, and so we need to shift our mindset to ‘What do I really know and what can I do?’"

Dr. Potter suggests doing a reassessment, especially if you feel like you are taking on too much. Perhaps someone can lend a hand.