E-ZPass adds a call back option
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13 Investigates continue to look into the problems they are hearing about E-ZPass.
One of the main issues is trying to get customer service on the phone. Now, there is a call back option.
The New York Thruway Authority said you can choose to be called back by a representative without losing your place in line, instead of having to hold on to the phone.
This new feature is part of a pilot program that started on Dec. 10, 2021.
It’s only for Tolls by Mail customers right now.
The Thruway said they expect this feature to be implemented for E-ZPpass customers in the first quarter of 2022.
To request a call back, the Thruway said you need to call the Tolls by Mail customer service line.
If the customer’s calls and the wait time is more than a specific period of time, the customer is given the option to receive a call back.
Their system will then provide an estimated time.