New bakery with gluten-free treats opens in Troy

TROY – In the market for gluten-free treats? There’s another option locally.

O’Malley’s Oven is now open on Fulton Street in Troy.

Owner Melanie O’Malley started as a vendor at the Troy Farmers Market before deciding it was time to expand. She believes her baking is a form of artistic expression, and got into the business because she was disappointed at the gluten-free options available for her family members with celiac disease.

O’Malley says she never planned on having a retail storefront, but much like her desserts, the opportunity was too good to pass up.

O’Malley’s Oven offers specialty cakes, a wide variety of desserts and even bake-at-home flour blends. The shop is particularly capable of conquering gluten-free baking challenges.

Thanks to Troy BID for sending in this submission.

MORE: O’Malley’s Oven