Amsterdam leaders unveil new park video surveillance system

Amsterdam leaders unveil new park video surveillance system

The city of Amsterdam has launched a new effort to keep city parks safe. City leaders in Amsterdam unveiled and demonstrated a new state-of-the-art video surveillance system.

The city of Amsterdam has launched a new effort to keep city parks safe.

City leaders in Amsterdam unveiled and demonstrated a new state-of-the-art video surveillance system.
It promises an enhancement of public safety with cutting-edge smart camera technology.

The new tech was installed in Veterans Park, Shuttleworth Park and other areas throughout the city.

The plan is to prevent crime and help law enforcement track down loved ones, including children or any individuals with cognitive disabilities.

The system costs $55,000. It was funded by a grant from Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara.

There has been vandalism and even a shooting in local parks.

Two youth soccer benches were stolen from Veterans Park in April. There was a shooting at a movie night in July 2023.