FMCC students learn about testing water, animals for chemicals

FMCC students take a field trip to DEC lab

Students at Fulton-Montgomery Community College taken a field trip to the Department of Environmental Conservation's Hale Creek lab in Gloversville.

Students enrolled in the SUNY Fulton Montgomery Community College Science and Technology Entry Program (STEP) got a chance to learn more about the chemicals in our waters.

They visited to the Department of Environmental Conservation’s Hale Creek lab in Gloversville to learn about the science behind testing animals and water for evidence of PCBs and PFAS.

“It’s really important for these disadvantaged students to get this kind of opportunity, because they may not otherwise get a lot of examples of real-world jobs other than what you might see on TV like CSI programs or things like that,” said DEC research scientist Dr. Katryn Williams.

This field trip gave students a chance to learn about potential careers.