Police: Troy man had cocaine, fentanyl

Troy man arrested on drug charges

Police: Troy man had cocaine, fentanyl A Troy man is accused of possessing cocaine and fentanyl. Investigators searched the apartment of Sharheem Beckett, 50, on 6th Avenue on June 22. Officers found around 273 grams of cocaine and fentanyl, over $14,000 in cash, miscellaneous gift cards in various amounts, packaging materials and scales, Troy Police said.

A Troy man is accused of possessing cocaine and fentanyl.

Investigators searched the apartment of Sharheem Beckett, 50, at 178 6th Avenue on June 22. Officers found around 273 grams of cocaine and fentanyl,  gift cards in various amounts, packaging materials and scales, and $14,418 in cash, they said.

Beckett also had an outstanding warrant because he did not register as a sex offender, police said.

Beckett was charged with four counts of criminal possession of a controlled substance and one count of criminal use of drug paraphernalia. Beckett was arraigned in Troy City Court and sent without bail to Rensselaer County Jail.