The Town of Brunswick has declared a snow emergency starting at 4:00 PM Sunday, January 28, 2024 until Monday, January 29, 2024 at 4:00 P.M.
Residents are asked to park in their driveways and have garbage cans out of the roadway.
There will be no parking in the streets. Any vehicle in violation of the parking restrictions will be ticketed and/ or towed at the owner’s expense.
Dated: January 28, 2024
The Dalton Police Department and Highway Department have declared a
Snow Emergency effective Sunday, January 28, 2024, beginning at 9 a.m.,
and ending on Tuesday, January 30, 2024, at 9 a.m. No on street parking
allowed during this time. Any vehicles parked on the streets are subject to
towing at the owner’s expense.
If you have any questions please contact the Dalton Police Department at
413 – 684 – 0300
East Greenbush
January 28, 2024
By order of the Commissioner of Public Works, a Snow Emergency is declared for the Town of East Greenbush effective from 6:00 PM on Sunday, January 28, 2024 and ending at 12:00PM on Monday, January 29, 2024.
Per East Greenbush Town Code §36-5: There will be no parking on public roads in the Town of East Greenbush for the duration the snow emergency. Vehicles parked within four feet of public roads may be ticketed and towed. Also, please ensure all trash cans and refuse containers are at least four feet in from the edge of pavement.
Thank you,
Daniel Fiacco
Commissioner of Public Works
City of Pittsfield – snow emergency declared, effective 7 a.m. January 28
PITTSFIELD, Mass. (Jan. 27, 2024) – Please be advised that due to impending inclement weather,
a snow emergency has been declared for the purposes of parking restrictions in the city of Pittsfield
effective 7 a.m. Sunday, January 28 through 7 a.m. Tuesday, January 30.
For the duration of the snow emergency, residents are asked to use off-street parking.
If off-street parking is not available, residents may park on the street observing the following
alternate side parking regulations:
• Between 7 a.m. Sunday and 7 a.m. Monday: parking is allowed on the even side of the
• Between 7 a.m. Monday and 7 a.m. Tuesday: parking is allowed on the odd side of the
• Residents in and around downtown Pittsfield are encouraged to use the McKay Street
parking garage for overnight parking which will be open to the public free of charge
starting tonight through the duration of the emergency.
All other existing and signed parking regulations remain active. Non-permitted vehicles are
prohibited from parking or standing in any open municipal parking lot between the hours of 12
a.m. and 7 a.m.
Vehicles found in violation of the above parking regulations may be towed at the vehicle owner’s
70 Allen Street, Pittsfield, MA 01201
To report any emergencies, please call 911. If you have a non-emergency, storm related concern
that you need to report, please call the city’s Highway Department at (413) 499-9314, press option
#2. You can also email the Highway Department at dpw@cityofpittsfield.org.
To stay informed of further updates, please follow us on our social media channels:
https://www.facebook.com/CityofPittsfield &https://www.instagram.com/pittsfieldmayorsoffice/
City residents are further advised that sidewalks and ramps abutting their property must be cleared
of snow within 24-hours of the storm’s end. As a reminder, it is a violation of city ordinance to
plow or otherwise dispose of snow from their property onto city streets and sidewalks. Residents
are also encouraged to clear snow from around fire hydrants located near their properties.
When travelling during winter weather events, please follow the recommended advisories:
• Make sure your tires have good traction.
• Reduce your speed in snowy road conditions.
• Increase the distance between you and other vehicles in order to give yourself time to slow
• Avoid distractions when driving to give your full attention to the road.
• Proceed cautiously on bridges as they can have more ice buildup than other locations.
Thank you for your patience and cooperation.