Albany County Executive Dan McCoy backs defense attorney Lee Kindlon in Albany DA race

Kindlon gets McCoy’s endorsement in DA race

Kindlon gets McCoy's endorsement in bid to unseat District Attorney David Soares.

Lee Kindlon has picked up the endorsement of Albany County Executive Dan McCoy in Kindlon’s bid to become district attorney.

Kindlon is trying to unseat District Attorney David Soares in the June 25 Democratic primary. Soares is seeking a sixth term.

McCoy said he has known Soares since the late 1990s and supported him in the past. However, he said that Soares has “lost who he was.”

McCoy said no one is perfect, but he criticized Soares for using grant money to award himself a $20,000 bonus. Soares has also not filed election finance reports for three years.

“You try to lead by example to the best of your ability when you’re an elected official,” McCoy said.

Kindlon responded to a column in the New York Post that backed Soares because the incumbent has been critical of bail reform and Raise the Age. The piece does not mention the recent controversies.

Kindlon said this is not about politics, and that he people he has spoken with during the campaign want integrity, honesty, leadership and accountability.

Soares’ campaign issued a statement in response to the endorsement:

“Just weeks ago, the County Executive publicly said he strongly agrees with and supports my public safety positions. So today’s action, which indicates the exact opposite of that, begs one question; Was he lying then, or is he lying now? The County Executive’s casual situationship with the truth is something that he and my opposition share.”