Albany firm’s survey finds hiring more challenging than ever

A new survey from a Capital Region consulting company finds that hiring is now more challenging than ever.

Alaant Workforce Solutions recently released their yearly survey results – called the Allant Hiring Index, which surveys companies hiring in the Capital Region.

They got results from 82 hiring and human resources employees, who were surveyed between May and June.

Most respondents said that the labor shortage was the biggest challenge that hiring managers faced, and they are not optimistic.

Only 12% of those surveyed believe the situation will improve over the next six months.

Their survey reports that many employers in the region have increased hiring efforts, and expect hiring to continue to increase through the end of the year.

As far as which fields are seeing the fastest growth, the survey reports healthcare is first, IT is second and engineering third.

Alaant Workforce Solutions is a consulting and recruiting firm in Albany.